By Month (August 2005)

L-3 Cincinnati Electronics and ARL Develop C-QWIPsPREMIUM

L-3 Cincinnati Electronics, L-3 CE is working with the Army Research Laboratory, ARL to develop advanced QWIPs (Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors). Under a program funded by the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), L-3 CE is developing advanced QWIPs based on the Corrugated-QWIP (C-QWIP) structure developed by researchers at ARL.

BMW Emerges from GaragePREMIUM

BMW has officially announced the introduction of its thermal imaging Night Vision system for the BMW-7 series luxury cars starting in the fourth quarter of 2005. The “BMW Night Vision” system is made by Autoliv in a facility in Goleta, California that is adjacent to Indigo.

System-Level Test of 3rd GenPREMIUM

The U.S. Army’s Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) is preparing to test the first 3rd Generation infrared FPAs at the systems level.

Dropping the Price of UncooledPREMIUM

Test marketing of uncooled infrared cameras at new low-price points is picking up. Since early this year, FLIR Systems has been selling a handheld camera called InfraCAM™ on a dedicated website in Sweden.

New Export regulations on UncooledPREMIUM

On July 15, 2005, the U.S. published new export regulations covering uncooled focal plane arrays based on decisions reached by the Wassenaar Working Group. The new regulations address the loophole under which amorphous silicon FPAs did not require export licensing because they fell under an exemption as “silicon based”.

Obzerv to Deliver Range-Gated Imager to FrancePREMIUM

Obzerv Technologies has received an order from the French Army to deliver one of its ATV2000i range-gated night vision cameras.

New Infrared Imaging ProductsPREMIUM


Company BriefsPREMIUM


Government Contract Awards in Infrared ImagingPREMIUM


Government Contract Solicitations in Infrared ImagingPREMIUM


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