By topic (Cooled Sensors)

February 2025

January 2025

December 2024

Anduril Awarded $200M for MADIS PREMIUM

Continues to Develop T2SL Capability

November 2024

September 2024


Future Vertical Lift - tilt-rotor

August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

Northrop Grumman Upgrades Litening Targeting PodPREMIUM

Major Performance Improvements

Teledyne FLIR Introducing T2SL OGI Camera ModulePREMIUM

Chinese T2SL OGI Market Exploding

February 2024

January 2024

November 2023

October 2023

Lockheed Martin Missile Development Funding to Expand Infrared SeekersPREMIUM

JAGM expected to move to tri-mode seeker

September 2023

Chinese Infrared Companies Ups and DownsPREMIUM

The relative standings of the chief players

August 2023

July 2023

Anduril Imaging Growing RapidlyPREMIUM

Developing T2SL Detectors for Internal Use

OMFV Replacement for Bradley Renamed XM30PREMIUM

Suppliers Downselected for Detailed Design

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

October 2022

Navy Finally Selects a Replacement for F/A-18 ATFLIR Targeting PodsPREMIUM

First Test Flights of Northrop Grumman Litening Completed

September 2022

August 2022

July 2022

June 2022

CryoTech Preparing to Ship Initial Units to Lead CustomerPREMIUM

Disruptive Low-Cost Cryocooler

May 2022

April 2022

March 2022

February 2022

January 2022

James Webb Space Telescope LaunchedPREMIUM

MCT FPAs at the Forefront

December 2021

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021

August 2021

July 2021

June 2021

i3system in South Korea Develops HOT T2SL nBn DetectorPREMIUM

A product development roadmap that emphasizes T2SL over InSb

May 2021

SCD New Product Introductions Expected in the Next 12 MonthsPREMIUM

HOT MWIR over the Full MWIR Band and Advanced SWIR

April 2021

March 2021

Infrared Imaging Market Growth in 2020 and the Outlook for the Next 5 YearsPREMIUM

Upheaval with EST/Fever Screening in 2020. Traditional Infrared Markets Bouncing Back in 2021

February 2021

The Teledyne Acquisition of FLIR SystemsPREMIUM

What the Presentations Did Not Say

January 2021

December 2020

AIM Delivers HOT MWIR MCT to Major ProgramsPREMIUM

Keeping up with the Competition from HOT T2SL Technology

November 2020

September 2020

IRnova Moving SWaP T2SL Detectors into ProductionPREMIUM

The Only European Supplier of HOT MWIR T2SL

August 2020

FLIR Systems Ramps Up Production of its T2SL/nBn CorePREMIUM

Introduces Additional Functionality and Integrated Zoom Lens

July 2020

June 2020

May 2020

Fever Monitoring of Large Numbers of People in a CrowdPREMIUM

A Potential Solution Using Leading Edge Infrared Technology

Raytheon Technologies Emerges from Raytheon/UTC MergerPREMIUM

Raytheon/UTC merger closes

April 2020

Shipboard EO/IR Defense System to Become $1B ProgramPREMIUM

A Major Application for T2SL/nBn FPAs

February 2020

January 2020

MCT FPAs Reaching for Ultimate Performance LimitsPREMIUM

Law 19 Succeeds Rule 07

Using Infrared to Detect Dangerous AsteroidsPREMIUM

NASA’s NEO Surveillance Mission

December 2019

November 2019

DARPA WIRED Program Goes into Final PhasePREMIUM

HOT Wafer-level FPAs fabricated directly on silicon ROICs

October 2019

September 2019

New DARPA Program to Develop Curved Focal Plane ArraysPREMIUM

FOcal arrays for Curved Infrared Imagers (FOCII)

August 2019

Lightpath Infrared Lens Business Lands New OrdersPREMIUM

Company Consolidating Operations

July 2019

L3Harris Technologies Emerges After the Merger of L3 and HarrisPREMIUM

An Infrared Powerhouse and the Sixth Largest Defense Company in the U.S.

Very Large Format T2SL FPAs with Digital Pixel ROICs for AirbornePREMIUM

The Future for Apache and Future Vertical Lift (FVL)

First Very Large EO/IR Gimbal Emerges in EuropePREMIUM

Safran Developing 24” Turret

June 2019

Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) Ready to Move into Commercial AirlinesPREMIUM

Certification expected by early 2020 for an Airbus aircraft

Bulk nBn FPAs on Silicon SubstratesPREMIUM

Opening Up the Road to Larger Formats and Potential Lower Cost

May 2019

March 2019

Infrared Imaging Market Growth in 2018 and the Outlook for the Next 5 YearsPREMIUM

The growth of commercial and dual-use infrared imaging markets in 2018 was mixed, with some applications flat, while others grew at double digits.

February 2019

Rapid Innovation Fund Solicitations in Infrared PREMIUM

The Rapid Innovation Fund seeks the rapid insertion of innovative technologies into military systems or programs that meet critical national security needs. Infrared projects are outlined,

Sofradir and Ulis Investing 150 Million Euros to Develop Next Generation InfraredPREMIUM

Sofradir plans new compound semiconductors and Ulis plans for smart sensors

January 2019

Global Military Infrared Market Hits Record Growth in 2018PREMIUM

Global military infrared imaging systems grew 9% in 2018, mainly driven by advances in the U.S., where there was an increase in the defense budget along with pent-up demand for upgrading existing infrared systems. This, along with the development of advanced new infrared detector technologies is expected to drive the military infrared imaging market to $14 billion by 2023.

December 2018

Microsoft Wins Big with IVAS Prime Contractor AwardPREMIUM

Microsoft (Redmond, Washington) has been awarded $479.2 million as prime contractor for the Army’s Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) a fast track program to bring head mounted integrated sensors combined with augmented reality to dismounted soldiers.

Next Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV) Sensors to be AwardedPREMIUM

A wide variety of infrared sensors are being included in NGCV

Emerging Technologies – New ControlsPREMIUM

By Steve Tribble, Lakewood Technologies


New Export Controls on Emerging Technologies

November 2018

T2SL FPAs Moving into Major Infrared ProgramsPREMIUM

L3 Space & Sensors (Mason, Ohio) is continuing to move its FPA production away from InSb and to T2SL/nBn (Type II Superlattice).

Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) are About to Bring Aircraft All the Way to TouchdownPREMIUM

The certification of EFVS to touchdown represents a milestone in the use of infrared systems for aircraft and is the first step in leading to the incorporation of EFVS in air transport (commercial airliners.)

DRS Acquires EPIR Technologies MBE BusinessPREMIUM

DRS is expected to use the MBE machines for making large format, small pixel MCT FPAs

October 2018

DRS wins LLDR award with HOT Ultra-Small Pixel MCT FPAsPREMIUM

Leonardo DRS has been awarded a $231.5 million contract, thru 2028, for LLDR 3 (Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder), a day/night manportable (tripod-mounted) modular target location and laser designator system.

SCD Launching New XBn and InGaAs Cores for SWaP ApplicationsPREMIUM

SCD has developed a new low SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) MWIR XBn core, as well as a 1280 x 1024 InGaAs core with 10 micron pixels.

Monolithic Metalenses for T2SL FPAs Promise to Improve Sensitivity and Operating TemperaturePREMIUM

Microlens based metalenses have the potential of being monolithically integrated with infrared FPAs to increase FPA operating temperature and sensitivity.

August 2018

FLIR Systems Moves to T2SL Infrared Detector TechnologyPREMIUM

FLIR Systems, which has long concentrated on its mature InSb FPA technology has been internally developing Type 2 Superlattice (T2SL) FPAs for use in future products.

The company, which has been part of the VISTA consortium, is making use of the InAs/GaSb epitaxial structures that have been developed by JPL and NRL under the VISTA program and grown by IntelliEPI and IQE. It is expected that the company will soon introduce a camera core based on a HOT MWIR 640 x 512 FPA with 15 micron pixels.

Raytheon Vision Systems Looking to Leverage Infrared Detector PortfolioPREMIUM

Raytheon Vision Systems (Goleta, California) is in the fortunate position of having the largest portfolio of advanced infrared detectors in the world, including mercury cadmium telluride (MCT), InSb, InGaAs, uncooled VOx microbolometers and others. Recently, the company’s III-V T2SL (Type II Superlattice)/nBn detectors have also reached a level of maturity that enabled Raytheon to win the contract for the next-generation Distributed Aperture System (DAS) for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

QmagiQ Working on Backup Detectors for Major ProgramsPREMIUM

The company has been awarded a Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) award to develop dualband (MWIR/LWIR) T2SL FPAs for potential use in the 3rd Gen FLIR program. Currently, 3rdGen FLIR development is based on 1280 x 720 dualband MCT FPAs.

July 2018

Sofradir Reorganizes – Takes Advantage of Synergies Between Cooled and Uncooled BusinessesPREMIUM

Sofradir and Ulis are reorganizing in an effort to make their infrared detector businesses more efficient. In order to do so, the new management team will exploit synergies between the cooled Sofradir operations and the uncooled microbolometer operations of Ulis

Twelve departments are being set up, among them two new ones: Technology & Strategy and Projects & Programs. All of the departments will be common to both the cooled Sofradir and uncooled Ulis businesses. Previously, the Sofradir and Ulis operations had separate groups handling these functions.

Raytheon and Safran Collaborating on Vehicle Sights PREMIUM

Raytheon will combine its EO/IR technology with Safran's inertial measurement unit technology to develop and manufacture the latest thermal sights. The new systems will allow soldiers to see across long- and mid-wave bands simultaneously and at very long ranges with a stabilized line of sight.

June 2018

Raytheon and Lockheed Martin Sign Contract for New EO-DASPREMIUM

Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have signed a contract under which Raytheon will provide the next-generation EO-DAS (Electro-optical-Distributed Aperture System) for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The new system will make use of very large format, small pixel MWIR nBn FPAs developed by Raytheon Vision Systems (Goleta, California).

Start-Up Copious Imaging Taking Digital-pixel Readouts to New LevelPREMIUM

Copious Imaging (Lexington, Massachusetts), a spin-off of MIT Lincoln Labs, intends to transform infrared Read-out Integrated Circuits (ROICs) by not only placing a small low-power analog-to-digital converter at each pixel to form a DROIC (Digital-pixel ROIC) but also provide each pixel with computational capability to produce "Computational Pixel Imagers."

May 2018

Breakthrough in T2SL Sensor Adoption PREMIUM

A breakthrough in the more widespread use of Type 2 Superlattice (T2SL) FPAs is about to occur. One of the largest infrared applications in the U.S. - the EO-DAS (Electro-optical-Distributed Aperture System) for the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter - is being upgraded to T2SL FPAs (from the existing large format InSb FPAs).

The Air Force anticipates two potential upgrades.

April 2018

Infrared Imaging Markets Continue Record GrowthPREMIUM

In 2017, world Commercial and Dual-Use Infrared Imaging markets continued the fourth straight year of record unit shipments. The number of uncooled detectors increased by over 30% to reach nearly 1.3 million units. However, severe price reductions have resulted in revenue growth of only 11% - for a total commercial and dual-use market (cooled and uncooled) of $3.8 billion.

L3 Restructures Uncooled Infrared BusinessPREMIUM

L3 Technologies is making changes to its uncooled amorphous silicon (a-SI) microbolometer business. The company’s L3 Sensor Technologies (formerly L3 Infrared Products in Garland, Texas) is moving its front-end production of FPAs to TSI Semiconductors (Roseville, California), while vacuum Wafer-Level-Packaging (WLP) is being moved to Mason, Ohio. By the end of the year, the Garland facility is expected to be shut down, with only design engineering remaining in the Dallas, Texas area.

Leveraging T2SL Substrate Processing for Traditional CZT ProcessingPREMIUM

Galaxy Compound Semiconductors, Spokane, Washington, (a subsidiary of IQE) is taking advantage of process improvements in GaSb substrates for T2SL detectors (and also InSb substrates) and is now starting to also supply CZT (Cadmium Zinc Telluride) substrates for MCT FPAs.

March 2018

January 2018

AIM Gets Production Contract for HOT Weapon SightPREMIUM

AIM Infrarot Module (Heilbronn, Germany) has been awarded a production contract for 235 HOT HuntIR Mk2 clip-on thermal weapon sights for Germany’s IdZ-ES Infantryman of the Future program.

Digital 3rdGen for AirbornePREMIUM

Digital Dual Use Sensors (DDUS) Program Seeks to Advance State-of-the-Art Infrared

December 2017

November 2017

October 2017

September 2017

Attollo Engineering Developing InGaAs and T2SL FPAsPREMIUM

Redux for Founders of Aerius Photonics

August 2017

DARPA Reimagine Program Makes Over $5 Million in AwardsPREMIUM

Revolutionizing FPA Architecture

July 2017

June 2017

Transitioning T2SL FPAs into Major System ProgramsPREMIUM

Lockheed Martin’s Sniper Pod May be the First

May 2017

Aselsan Developing Infrared Detector CapabilityPREMIUM

Uncooled fab already under construction

April 2017

March 2017

February 2017

January 2017

New FAA Rule Opens the Door to Widespread Use of Infrared Aircraft Landing SystemsPREMIUM

Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) with both cooled and uncooled FPAs

December 2016

Elbit Consolidating EVS Businesses in U.S. and IsraelPREMIUM

Cooled and uncooled for commercial aircraft pilots

November 2016

October 2016

The Latest Progress in Ultra-Low-Cost HgTe Quantum Dots for Infrared ImagingPREMIUM

Good Initial Images in the MWIR – But Much Remains to Be Done

September 2016

New ASRAAM Missile Seeker Gives Leonardo (Selex ES) FPAs a BoostPREMIUM

UK Builds ASRAAM Inventory for its New F-35 Fighters

August 2016

U.S. Export Control Reform of Infrared in the Home StretchPREMIUM

Category XII of the USML (ITAR sensors) and the Export Administration Regulations administered by the Commerce Department have been agreed to by an interagency process (including the Commerce Department (BIS), the Defense Department and the State Department). CAT XII final rules have been submitted by BIS and the State Department to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).  

July 2016

June 2016

Advances in T2SL FPAs in JapanPREMIUM

The effort in Japan to develop Type 2 Superlattice (T2SL) FPAs in Japan has taken a big step forward. Researchers at Sumitomo Electric, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) and Ritsumeikan University have fabricated a 320 x 256/30 InAs/GaSb FPA with a 6 µm cutoff and an NETD of  31mK.

IRnova Developing Megapixel T2SL FPAs for Medical ImagingPREMIUM

IRnova is developing megapixel T2SL (Type 2 Superlattice) FPAs to be used for imaging spectroscopy to detect various types of cancer. The aim is to develop both MWIR and LWIR FPAs with 1280 x 1024 format and 12 μm pixel pitch.

May 2016

Airbus Defense Electronics Business to be Acquired by KKRPREMIUM

A new home for Airbus DS Optronics


April 2016

After Long Wait 3rd Gen FLIR Finally Moves Ahead PREMIUM

After numerous delays over a period of ten years, the U.S. Army has finally put 3rd Gen FLIR onto a path where it will become reality. Awards have been made for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) for the 3rd Gen B-kit which will be used to upgrade 2nd Gen B-kits in a number of vehicle sighting systems and in targeting systems. The 3rd Gen B-kit consists of a Dewar Cooler Bench (DCB), afocal imager and circuit card assemblies.

5N Achieves Improved InSb Crystal GrowthPREMIUM

5N Plus Semiconductors (St. George, Utah) has developed an improved method of growing InSb boules that enables the efficient production of high quality InSb wafers and holds out the promise for higher yield InSb FPAs at lower cost.

March 2016

Commercial and Dual Use Infrared Imaging Market at the CrossroadsPREMIUM

Big Increases in Unit Volumes Have Not Translated to Revenue Growth

February 2016

FAA Guidance on Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS) is Another Step toward Combined EVS/SVS PREMIUM

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued an Airworthiness Circular with guidance for obtaining airworthiness approval for installation of a Synthetic Vision System (SVS) – which the FAA calls a “Synthetic Vision Guidance System (SVGS)” - in aircraft.

SPIE’s IR Technology and Applications Conference – A Preview PREMIUM

Three SPIE infrared technology and application conferences – all part of SPIE’s DCS16 Defense & Security symposium – will feature the latest developments in IR technology and sensor systems. Two sessions of the “Infrared Technology and Applications XLII” conference have been separated from that conference. They have been expanded into two new conferences – “Advanced Optics for Defense Applications: UV through LWIR” and “Tri-Technology Device Refrigeration (TTDR)”. The reasons for this separation are the important new developments taking place in the fields of optics and cryocoolers.

January 2016

Gas Imaging Patent Decision Goes to AppealPREMIUM

The U.S. Patent Office has ruled in favor of FLIR Systems in a patent infringement suit in which Leak Surveys (Early, Texas) claimed that FLIR’s gas finder (GasFindIR) cameras infringed on their patents.

However, Leak Surveys is now appealing that decision in Federal Appeals Court.


December 2015

DVE (Degraded Visual Environment) Program Ready to Take OffPREMIUM

Helicopter pilots are constantly faced with a loss of visibility when close to the ground, especially in sandy terrain. Such brownout conditions in degraded visual environments (DVE) have resulted in the loss of nearly 400 Army aircraft, 150 lives and cost over $1 billion. The solution is expected to lie in multispectral sensors (Infrared, Lidar - 3D infrared and millimeter wave and sensor fusion).

November 2015

October 2015

Infrared in ChinaPREMIUM

While the world is agonizing over weakness in the Chinese economy, infrared technology and the infrared industry in China are booming. They are driven not so much by commercial export markets but mostly by domestic government procurement programs and private investment spending.

Helping to accelerate this was a large government program during the past year.

At the recent CIOE China International Optoelectronic Expo in Shenzhen companies showed off the latest developments in cooled and uncooled detectors and systems.


Northrop Grumman Wins CIRCM AwardPREMIUM

And a Big Win for Selex ES MCT FPAs

September 2015

DIR Technologies Introducing New Thermal Imaging System for On-line Package InspectionsPREMIUM

DIR Technologies (Haifa, Israel) is introducing a new thermal imaging system for 100% on-line inspection of induction-sealed bottles used in Food, Cosmetics and other industries.

The I2VS (Induction Integrity Verification System) Lite verifies the aluminum foil seal at the top of bottles, such as those containing vitamins and packaged food.

The system is a follow on to the company’s standard I2VS system which is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

The company makes use of both cooled and uncooled FPAs to view the integrity of the seal at rates up to 400 bottles per minute (which is as fast as the induction sealing machines are capable of heat sealing prior to inspection.)

August 2015

July 2015

Selex ES Makes Big Push in Airborne IRSTPREMIUM

 Selex ES Makes Big Push in Airborne IRST

June 2015

April 2015

Selex ES Moves MOVPE MCT to 8 Micron PixelsPREMIUM

Develops HOT MWIR Software-based Core


March 2015

February 2015

December 2014

October 2014

September 2014

August 2014

July 2014

June 2014

April 2014

March 2014

February 2014

January 2014

December 2013

QWIPs Ready to Break Out as High QE DetectorsPREMIUM

Would you believe 71%?

November 2013

October 2013

September 2013


Ultra-Small Muti-Band Uncooled Camera

Securing the U.S. Southern BorderPREMIUM

Border Patrol Awards a New Surveillance Contract to General Dynamics

August 2013

July 2013

June 2013

May 2013

April 2013

March 2013

February 2013

December 2012

November 2012

October 2012

September 2012

August 2012

July 2012

June 2012

May 2012

DRS ReorganizesPREMIUM


April 2012

March 2012

February 2012

January 2012

December 2011

November 2011

October 2011

September 2011

August 2011

July 2011

June 2011

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

EVS Takes One Step Closer to More Widespread UsePREMIUM

Honeywell’s Demonstration of Blended Infrared and Synthetic Vision on Primary Flight Displays

February 2011

ITT to Split into Three CompaniesPREMIUM

Defense Segment Will Continue Work on Night Vision

January 2011

Teledyne Buying DALSAPREMIUM

Synergies in Infrared

December 2010

New Advanced Targeting Pod Moves to Megapixel FPAsPREMIUM

Northrop Grumman is Back in the Game

Sensor OverloadPREMIUM

Gray Eagle UAVs Being Deployed with Three Common Sensor Payloads

EVS Certified on Boeing Business JetPREMIUM

The First Step to Wider Infrared Use in Commercial Aviation?

November 2010

September 2010

FLIR Systems Acquiring ICx TechnologiesPREMIUM

Integrating a Diversified Portfolio of Technologies

August 2010

July 2010

Putting 200 Million Pixels on TargetPREMIUM

Lockheed Martin Wins ARGUS–IR Contract

Setting Up Shop in the U.S.PREMIUM

Overseas IR Detector Companies Expanding U.S. Operations

BAE Systems to Reorganize in U.S.PREMIUM

The Effect on Infrared Operations

June 2010

German Future Soldier Uncooled Infrared Rifle Sight Goes ModularPREMIUM

Simplifying the Small Arms Video Sight

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010

The Effect of Eased U.S. Export Controls on Uncooled Infrared CamerasPREMIUM

U.S. Also Proposing Easier Export Controls for Thermal Imagers in Two Application Areas

January 2010

December 2009

“4th Generation” Targeting PodsPREMIUM

Northrop Grumman’s Litening G4 Jumps Ahead

Progress in Type II Superlattice FPAsPREMIUM

Large Area Substrates Provide a Path to Practical Devices

November 2009

October 2009

Infrared in JapanPREMIUM

The Latest Developments

September 2009

August 2009

Lockheed Martin Buying GyrocamPREMIUM

A Deal That Makes Sense

ARTEMIS Providing Hyperspectral Images from SpacePREMIUM

Spectral Images for Operational Use

EADS Wins Large Saudi Border ContractPREMIUM

Selects FLIR Systems to Provide Infrared Systems – with potential for much more

July 2009

General Dynamics Buying AxsysPREMIUM

How Will the Acquisition Affect the Commercial and Military Infrared Markets?

Submarine Panoramic Infrared PeriscopePREMIUM

Solving the “Safety Scan” Problem

June 2009


Groups Worldwide Vie to Operate Their Cooled FPAs “Less Cool”

May 2009

U.S. Defense Budget to Undergo Big ChangesPREMIUM

Their Effect on Infrared

April 2009

Axsys Technologies Puts Itself up for SalePREMIUM

Some of the Potential Buyers

March 2009

Standards Agency Tests Fire Fighting Thermal ImagersPREMIUM

Measures Performance Against New NFPA Draft Standard and Comes Up with a Few Surprises

February 2009

U.S. Army Moves Ahead with 3rd Gen FLIR AwardPREMIUM

SDD Contract Sets the Stage for Production of 3rd Gen FLIR Engines

January 2009

Selex Galileo Makes New Advances with its MOVPE ProcessPREMIUM

Obtaining High Yield with Mercury Cadmium Telluride

December 2008

November 2008


Market Separates into High and Low Ends

Axsys Expands OperationsPREMIUM

Increases Product Offerings

Sofradir Buys ElectrophysicsPREMIUM

The Strategy Behind the Move


Sensor Systems in Limbo

September 2008

Lockheed Martin Pathfinder Sensor in Flight TestsPREMIUM

Pilotage sensors vs. EVS

August 2008

BAE Systems Developing Wide Field-of-View Airborne Surveillance System for AWAPSSPREMIUM

The system is making use of custom-designed FPAs

Space Based IR Sensor Program Morphs to Next PhasePREMIUM

The Alternative Infrared Satellite System (AIRSS) program has become a follow-on to SBIRS High

July 2008

Former Indigo Execs Prevail Over FLIR Systems in LawsuitPREMIUM

FLIR Systems has lost a lawsuit against two former Indigo Systems executives whom it claimed were misappropriating trade secrets and against whom FLIR was seeking a permanent injunction to prevent them from starting a new venture to produce uncooled microbolometers.

Multiple Kill Vehicle Seeker Development Moves to Next PhasePREMIUM

The Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) program for developing a robust mid-course ballistic missile interceptor is moving to a prototype seeker that will be able to track multiple targets and then guide multiple kill vehicles to destroy them.


June 2008

IDGA Night Vision ConferencePREMIUM

The 2-day IDGA Night Vision Conference at the end of July includes a number of high-level presentations

Finmeccanica to Acquire DRSPREMIUM

Finmeccanica S.p.A. (Italy) has agreed to acquire DRS Technologies for $5.2 billion in cash.

May 2008

3rd Gen FLIR Moving to SDDPREMIUM

The U.S. Army’s effort to develop and field a 3rd Gen FLIR is moving into the System Development and Demonstration (SDD) phase.

April 2008

L-3 Buying Northrop Grumman’s Electro-Optical Systems BusinessPREMIUM

L-3 Communications has signed an agreement to acquire Northrop Grumman's Electro-Optical Systems (EOS) business for $175 million in cash. The EOS business had 2007 revenues of approximately $190 million in night vision goggles, weapons sights, driver viewers, image intensifier tubes and applied optics products.

March 2008

UK 3rdGen Albion Program Goes into Phase 2PREMIUM

The UK’s Albion program for developing 3rd Gen FPAs has gone into Phase 2 with the award by the UK MOD of a £5.8 million (approximately $10.6 million) three-year contract to prime contractor Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems.

Infrared Markets SoarPREMIUM

World commercial and dual-use infrared imaging markets soared by 30% in 2007.

Goodrich Forms New ISR Business UnitPREMIUM

Goodrich Corp. has formed a new ISR Systems (Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance) business unit out of the former Optical & Space Systems (OSS) division. The new unit has its headquarters in Chelmsford, Mass., and includes operations in Danbury, Conn., Albuquerque, N.M., Princeton, N.J., Ithaca, N.Y., and Malvern (UK).

Medical Infrared StrugglesPREMIUM

The application of thermal imaging to medicine has long been heralded as one of the most promising application areas. One of the most hotly pursued areas has been screening for breast cancer.

February 2008

SPIE’s Infrared Technology and Applications ConferencePREMIUM

SPIE’s Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIV Conference – a part of SPIE’s Defense & Security Symposium - will feature the latest developments in IR technology and sensor systems. The four day conference, with concurrently running sessions on Monday and Tuesday, will be held from March 17 to 20 at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

IRnova Moves up the Food Chain to QWIP DDCA ModulesPREMIUM

IRnova is moving up the infrared food chain and is now offering its customers full Detector Dewar Cooler Assemblies (DDCAs) instead of just QWIP focal plane arrays. The DDCAs are provided together with partners that specialize in detector and cooler manufacturing.

FLIR/Cedip Acquisition ClosesPREMIUM

FLIR Systems has completed the acquisition of 69.3% of the shares (at 19 euros per share or a total of 42.3 million euros) of Cedip Infrared Systems after obtaining approval from the French Ministry of Finance and Economy. FLIR Systems Holdings SAS, the company’s French subsidiary will now proceed to acquire the remaining shares of Cedip for the same 19 euro price.

January 2008

New Gen EVS Ready for 2008PREMIUM

A new generation of Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) for aircraft is close to being certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Kollsman’s EVS II, an enhanced version of its original EVS, makes use of SCD’s 320 x240 InSb FPA on a Blue Fairy read-out and provides 30% increase in sensitivity.

EO/IR System for DDG 1000 Moves into Production PhasePREMIUM

The EO/IR system for the U.S. Navy’s next-generation DDG 1000 (Zumwalt class) destroyer (including stealth and electric propulsion) is moving into the production phase.The EO/IR system is being developed by a team being led by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems

Axsys Sells Distributed Products BusinessPREMIUM

Axsys Technologies has sold its Distributed Products business for $15 million. The divestiture of this business (which supplies bearings) allows Axsys to concentrate on its infrared and optics businesses which it is reorganizing into the following segments:

Teledyne to Acquire JudsonPREMIUM

Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC has entered into an agreement to acquire Judson Technologies, LLC.


BAE Systems has completed the first test of an autonomous landing system intended for large mobility and transport aircraft. The test demonstrated the system’s ability to enhance pilot vision in a simulated zero-visibility landing scenario.

December 2007

British Dual-Band FPAsPREMIUM

The fabrication of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) FPAs by MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy) continues to make rapid progress. Most recently, both Selex Sensors & Airborne Systems, S&AS and QinetiQ have achieved new performance levels with dual-band (MW/LW) FPAs.


ICx Technologies launched an Initial Public Offering of 5 million shares of its common stock at a price of $16.00 per share on the NASDAQ market. However, the company was caught in the volatility of the markets and shares dropped to under $8 before recovering to over $9 on November 27.

November 2007


The successful development of dual-band 640 x 480 and 720 x 1280 mercury cadmium telluride focal plane arrays (FPA) under the DBFM (Dual-Band Flexible Manufacturing) program at the end of 2006, is giving rise to a flurry of activity to demonstrate complete 3rd Gen systems and take full advantage of this powerful technology.

Toward Gigapixel IRFPAsPREMIUM

The size of infrared focal plane arrays (FPA) is poised for a large increase. Currently, both InSb and MWIR MCT arrays have been fabricated in a 2K x 2K monolithic configuration, with the InSb FPA used in the SHARP reconnaissance pod and the MCT FPA used in the NIRCam instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

DRS Seeking to Replace IAI Tamam on ShadowPREMIUM

DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems is seeking to unseat IAI-Tamam as the supplier of the EO/IR system on the U.S. Army’s Shadow 200 Tactical UAV (RQ-7B). The Army wants an upgrade of the Shadow EO/IR system which includes a laser designator.

October 2007


FLIR Systems has entered into an agreement to acquire a controlling interest in Cedip Infrared Systems in a deal that values the French company at 62.7 million euros (approximately $86.4 million).

Megapixel Airborne TargetingPREMIUM

Northrop Grumman is preparing its latest Litening AT targeting pod for flight tests in November. The new Litening AT (currently called 4th Gen Litening) makes use of a 1024 x 1024 InSb FPA (18 µm pixels) detector module (made by FLIR/Indigo), a 1024 x 1024 CCD visible sensor, a new dual-band laser designator and range finder, laser spot tracker and infrared laser marker.

Cantronic Reorganizes – Wins Orders in SpainPREMIUM

Cantronic Systems is re-organizing its products into two divisions: Thermography and Security/Night Vision.

September 2007

World Military IR MarketsPREMIUM

The world military infrared systems market grew at a blazing growth rate in 2006.

Nova Sensors Seeks to Push IR Scene Projection to New Heights with High Current RIICsPREMIUM

Nova Sensors is developing a new generation of Read-In-Integrated Circuits (RIIC) which will enable infrared scene projectors (IRSPs) to run at much higher temperatures and thus be able to better simulate the hot exhausts and plumes of missiles.

August 2007

DARPA MTO Solicits New ProgramsPREMIUM

The Defense Advancement Research Projects Agency, DARPA is soliciting a wide range of new research projects for its Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). Infrared technologies play an important part.

New IR Scene Projection Envisions Hybrid ApproachPREMIUM

Infrared scene projection (IRSP) is a valuable tool for characterizing military systems such as missile seekers. Thermal IRSPs are essentially microbolometers run in reverse: in which a current is passed through electrodes on the suspended microbridge elements.

Goodrich to Modify U-2 Sensors for SpacePREMIUM

Goodrich ISR Systems has been awarded a contract by the Naval Research Laboratory to modify the high-performance imaging sensor used on the high-altitude U-2 surveillance aircraft for use as a space payload.

July 2007

New Border Sensors Fired UpPREMIUM

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s SBInet sensor network on the Mexican border went into operation along a 28 mile stretch southwest of Tucson. The first section of the “virtual fence” consists of nine 98 foot towers with visible and infrared cameras that send images to a command center and to specially equipped Border Patrol vehicles.

FLIR Systems Introduces New Marine Thermal ImagersPREMIUM

FLIR Commercial Vision Systems is introducing the latest in its line of thermal imaging systems for marine use. The company’s Navigator™ is now available in three configurations: fixed, 360º pan, or full pan/tilt.

Israeli Military Delegation Visits IndiaPREMIUM

On the Lookout for More Infrared Business

June 2007

Lockheed Martin Introduces Pilotage SensorPREMIUM

Lockheed Martin is introducing a new pilotage sensor for cargo and utility aircraft. The sensor was recently demonstrated on a UH-1 helicopter at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

May 2007

T2SL Research IntensifiesPREMIUM

Research on Type II Superlattice (T2SL) FPAs is increasing rapidly as evidenced by the ten papers presented on these detectors at the April SPIE Infrared Technology & Applications Conference in Orlando. Currently, most of this work is aimed at improving performance in the LWIR, since good performance has already been demonstrated in the MWIR.

Judson Enters FPA MarketPREMIUM

Judson Technologies LLC, which has traditionally focused on single-element and linear array infrared detectors, is entering the infrared FPA and camera market.

Selex’ Bet on MOVPE MVT FPAs Continues to Pay OffPREMIUM

Selex Sensors & Airborne Systems, S&AS is continuing to make rapid progress with its process for making mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) FPAs by MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy) on GaAs substrates. The MOVPE fabrication process, which is being supported by the UK’s 3rd Gen Albion program, has become a viable method for making MCT FPAs with good yield on relatively large substrates.

April 2007

Zeiss Acquiring Denel OptronicsPREMIUM

Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH is acquiring a 70% interest in Denel Optronics, which is owned by the state-owned defense group Denel Pty. Ltd. and is currently undergoing partial privatization. The German company and Denel Optronics have collaborated closely on technology for a number of years.

Sofradir Awarded Contract for Space SensorsPREMIUM

Sofradir has been awarded a EUR 3.2 million (USD 4.2 million) contract by NEC Toshiba Space for an infrared detector to be used on the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) satellite of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

March 2007

Acreo Spins Off QWIP BusinessPREMIUM

Acreo AB is spinning off its QWIP (Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector) business to a new company called IRnova AB.

U.S. Defense BudgetPREMIUM

A big increase (but not for all infrared programs)


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) plans to start a number of infrared programs in fiscal 2008 (starting October 1st).

SPIE’s Infrared Technologies and Applications ConferencePREMIUM

SPIE’s Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIII Conference – a part of SPIE’s DSS - Defense & Security Symposium - will feature the latest developments in IR technology and sensor systems. The five day conference will be held from April 9 to April 13 at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Esterline Corp. to Buy CMC ElectronicsPREMIUM

Esterline Corp. has agreed to buy CMC Electronics for $335 million. CMC Electronics (formerly Canadian Marconi Canada) is a leading supplier of avionics systems including both cooled and uncooled infrared Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) for pilots.

February 2007

World Infrared MarketsPREMIUM

The combined world commercial and dual-use infrared imaging and spot infrared thermometry market grew at a blistering nearly 20% pace in 2006.

Israel Adopting New Export Control ActPREMIUM

Israel is changing its export control policies and will adhere to the Wassenaar Arrangement’s Control Lists for both Munitions items and for Dual-Use items. According to the Wassenaar agreements, dual-use products go through a licensing procedure that is usually administered by a commerce department or ministry.

January 2007

3rd Gen FLIR Moves Out of Research and DevelopmentPREMIUM

3rd Gen infrared technology has moved out of R&D with the completion of the U.S. Army’s Dual-Band FPA Manufacturing Program (DBFM). The technology is being transitioned from an Advanced Technology Objective (ATO) to Systems Development and Demonstration (SDD) in which complete 3rd Gen FLIR engines (B-kits) will be developed over the next 2 - 3 years.

Cantronic Acquisition of QWIP SystemsPREMIUM

The acquisition by Cantronic Systems, Inc. of QWIP Systems (the Canadian parent of QWIPTECH in the U.S.) has been completed. Both companies are publicly traded in Canada.

QinetiQ Receives DARPA AwardPREMIUM

QinetiQ has been awarded a two-year, $5 million research contract by DARPA in support of its Large Area Coverage Optical Search While Track and Engage (LACOSTE) program. Under LACOSTE, extremely-wide field-of-view coded aperture imaging technology will be used to support single sensor day/night persistent tactical surveillance of all moving vehicles in a large urban battlefield.

December 2006

Longwave Superlattice FPAPREMIUM

Type II Superlattice (T2SL) FPAs have made great progress over the last three years. Some are even heralding these detectors as the successor to mercury cadmium telluride.

Sofradir Building New Fab to Increase ProductionPREMIUM

Sofradir is starting construction on a new Fab near Grenoble that will double its production capacity of cooled infrared focal plane arrays and position the company to supply 3rd Gen FPAs. The new facility will produce mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) FPAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) on 4” germanium substrates (compared to the currently used 2” CZT substrates).

Image Fusion 2007PREMIUM

The Image Fusion 2007 conference to be held between January 22 and 24 in Alexandria, Virginia is expected to cover a wide range of topics that are increasingly important for a wide number of applications.

November 2006

Hedging the Missile Warning RiskPREMIUM

The U.S. Air Force is hedging its bets on the long-delayed Space Based Infrared System High and starting an alternative program that injects the most recent advances in infrared focal plane array technology.

CMC Electronics Ships 100th EVSPREMIUM

CMC Electronics has shipped its 100th EVS (Enhanced Vision System) for aircraft. Most of these are the SureSight® I-Series.

October 2006

German Future Soldier SystemPREMIUM

The new enhanced version of the German future soldier system, IdZ-ES (Infanteristen der Zukunft) is increasing the number of infrared sights to be provided to soldiers. Earlier this year The German MoD’s BWB procurement agency awarded the prime contract for an enhanced version of IdZ to prime contractor Rheinmetall.

Kollsman Readying Uncooled EVSPREMIUM

Kollsman is preparing to roll out its uncooled enhanced vision system for general aviation aircraft, GAViS™ (General Aviation Vision System).

Siemens to Acquire VistaScapePREMIUM

Siemens Building Technologies has signed an agreement to acquire VistaScape Security Systems as a wholly owned subsidiary.


QWIPTECH is seeking to broaden its presence in the infrared market from just being a supplier of QWIP FPAs. The company has signed a contract with Mectron to provide enhanced infrared detector assemblies for the seekers of Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.

Boeing Wins Secure Borders InitiativePREMIUM

The Department of Homeland Security has awarded the first phase of the Secure Border Initiative (SBInet) contract to a team led by Boeing. The program is intended to help secure both America’s southern and northern borders with a network of sensors.

September 2006

Selex MCT/GaAs Process goes into Production for Large Format LWIRPREMIUM

SELEX Sensors & Airborne Systems has moved its mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) grown by MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy) on low-cost GaAs substrates into production. The company is now producing 640 x 480 LWIR FPAs - dubbed “Eagle LW”- with a cut-off wavelength of 9.7µm.

August 2006

Cantronic to Buy QWIP SystemsPREMIUM

Cantronic Systems, Inc. has agreed to merge with QWIP Systems (the Canadian company which is the parent of QWIPTECH in the U.S.) Both companies are publicly traded in Canada.

Teledyne to Acquire Rockwell ScientificPREMIUM

Teledyne Technologies, Inc. has entered into an agreement to acquire Rockwell Scientific Co., RSC, Los Angeles, California) for $167.5 million in cash from Rockwell Collins and Rockwell Automation.

FLIR Wins Final Selection for ARHPREMIUM

FLIR Systems has been selected by Bell Helicopter Textron to supply the EO system for the Army’s Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter (ARH). FLIR will supply the BRITE Star II® airborne stabilized multi-sensor system (640 x 480 InSb) as the Target Acquisition Sensor Suite (TASS) for ARH.

July 2006


CEDIP Infrared has launched an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Alternext market of the Euronext Exchange. The company’s existing 2,500,000 shares of stock have been admitted on Alternext. In addition, a maximum of 712,500 new shares have been issued and admitted to the exchange.

Thales Seeks to Expand Optronics in U.S.PREMIUM

Thales is seeking to expand its presence in optronics in the U.S.

June 2006

UK Albion ProgramPREMIUM

SELEX Sensors & Airborne Systems is moving ahead in the UK’s Albion program for the development of 3rd Gen FPAs based on mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) FPAs grown by MOVPE (Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy). After experimenting with both GaAs and GaAs:Si (GaAs on silicon) substrates, researchers have settled on the GaAs substrates because of the lower defect levels and the better stability of defect levels at storage temperatures to 100ºC.

Siemens Invests in ThermosensorikPREMIUM

Siemens AG has acquired a minority stake in thermal imaging company Thermosensorik GmbH. The investment was made through Siemens Venture Capital and Siemens Technology Accelerator.

Germany Edges Toward Trigat LRPREMIUM

Germany’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) is moving closer to procuring the Trigat LR (Long Range) anti-armor missiles for the country’s Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopters. The MoD has already allocated 380 million euros for 600 Trigats.

May 2006

AIM Pushes SLs to New High Performance LevelsPREMIUM

AIM Infrarot-Module - working in conjunction with the Fraunhofer Institut, IAF, - has demonstrated a new level of performance for Type II Superlattice (T2SL) focal plane arrays operating in the mid-wave.

FLIR Reorganizes Imaging BusinessPREMIUM

FLIR Systems has re-organized its Imaging business into two separate Divisions: a commercial imaging division and a government imaging division. The company also plans to invest $15 million to significantly increase the capacity of its uncooled VOx microbolometer production facility in Santa Barbara.

Raytheon Launches New Security System for Airports and Other InfrastructurePREMIUM

Raytheon’s Airspace Management and Homeland Security business is launching an Integrated Airport Security System (IASS) that makes it easier for airports to ensure the safety of passengers from their arrival at the airport to departure in the aircraft. .

SBIR Shipping Large Format IR Scene ProjectorsPREMIUM

Santa Barbara Infrared, Inc. (SBIR), a HEICO company, has shipped the first of its Large Format Resistive Array (LFRA) IR Scene Projectors, which are based on a 1024 x 1024 array of microresistors on a custom CMOS Read In Integrated Circuit (RIIC). The company has orders for 10 full systems and 3 spare projection heads from U.S. government customers representing the three military services.

April 2006

JPL Breakthrough in QDIPsPREMIUM

Researchers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory have achieved a significant breakthrough by fabricating the first large format QDIP Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetector) FPA. The 640 x 512 FPA formed excellent images and had an NETD of 40 mK at an operating temperature of 60 K.

German Future Soldier System to Get UpgradePREMIUM

The German program for the Infantryman of the Future (IdZ - Infanteristen der Zukunft) is being upgraded with additional capabilities. Currently, the IdZ thermal weapon sight is based on an AIM HuntIR sight that makes use of a 384 x 288 MWIR mercury cadmium telluride FPA.

SBInet Holds Out Hope for Infrared Strategic Border InitiativePREMIUM

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Border Initiative program (SBInet) is shaping up to be a boon for infrared technology. SBInet has two major themes: controlling the border and immigration enforcement.

March 2006

World Infrared MarketsPREMIUM

The combined world commercial and dual-use infrared imaging and spot infrared thermometry market is growing rapidly. Uncooled infrared focal plane array technology used in a broad range of applications continues to be the major driving factor.

Opgal Partnering with WinSoft to Penetrate the U.S. MarketPREMIUM

Opgal is partnering with WinSoft on infrared systems. Opgal cameras will be available with the WinSoft ThermaVu software development kit for image analysis, camera control and thermal analysis.

SPIE’s Infrared Technology and Applications ConferencePREMIUM

SPIE’s Infrared Technology and Applications XXXII Conference – a part of SPIE’s DSS - Defense & Security Symposium - will feature the latest developments in IR technology and sensor systems. The five day conference will be held from April 17 to April 21 at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.

February 2006

The Next 3rd GenPREMIUM

Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, ARL, in cooperation with Rockwell Scientific Corp. are making significant progress toward being able to fabricate MCT (mercury cadmium telluride) FPAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) directly on composite silicon substrates. Recently, they succeeded in making 256 x 256 pixel LWIR MCT FPAs (40 µm pitch) on silicon substrates having a lattice-matched CdSeTe buffer layer. Initial results indicate an NETD of 33 mK for a cut-off wavelength of 10 µm. Operability (fraction of usable pixels) was measured to be 99%.

Coast Guard SeeCoast to Extend Port ProtectionPREMIUM

The U.S. Coast Guard’s SeeCoast port surveillance program is adding infrared and electro-optic cameras to the Port Security and Monitoring System so as to detect, classify and track vessels.

January 2006

IRCAM Introduces New ProductPREMIUM

IRCAM GmbH, the new company founded in May 2005, by former managers of Thermosensorik GmbH has introduced a new dual-band QWIP camera. The GEMINIS 110k ML makes use of a dual-band 384 x 288 QWIP FPA made by AIM Infrarot-Module.

ARL and BAE Systems Team on T2SL FPAsPREMIUM

Researchers from the Army Research Laboratory, ARL are teaming with BAE Systems under the Advanced Sensor Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA) program to make mid-wave Type II Superlattice (T2SL) focal plane arrays. The semiconductor layers (InAs on a GaSb substrate) were grown by ARL and the FPA processing and hybridization to an Indigo ISC9809 read-out IC (ROIC) were carried out at BAE Systems.