Infrared Market Research Reports


Volume IRW-C (2025 edition)

The World Market for Commercial & Dual-Use Infrared Imaging and Infrared Thermometry Equipment (400 + pages)


The report contains the following information:

  • The current size of individual world product markets and application markets.
  • Five-year projections of product and application markets.
  • Geographic segmentation of the overall market into the following regions: North America, Europe, Pacific Rim, Asia, Latin America, Africa and Middle East.
  • The expected market growth of dual-use military IR equipment.
  • Technology trends and the effect of export controls on market growth.
  • Competitive analyses and market shares.
  • Profiles of all major international suppliers.

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Volume IRW-M (2025 edition)

The World Market for Military Infrared Detectors and Systems (400 + pages)

The report contains the following information:

  • The current size of world military infrared detector and systems markets (Base year: 2024).
  • Five-year projections of world military infrared detector and systems markets (2024 to 2029)
  • Geographic segmentation of the overall market into the following regions: North America, Europe, Pacific Rim, Asia, Latin America, Africa and Middle East
  • The expected market growth rate for various types of infrared FPAs
  • An analysis of military infrared capabilities for 25 countries
  • Technology trends and the status of next-generation FPAs and systems
  • Competitive analyses and market shares
  • Profiles of 43 suppliers of Military Infrared Imaging Detectors and Systems

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