By Company (Fraunhofer Institut)

July 2017

December 2013

July 2013

July 2011

May 2010

Company BriefsPREMIUM


April 2010

A New German Capability in UncooledPREMIUM

Fraunhofer Institute Makes Large Format Uncooled Microbolometer

May 2007

T2SL Research IntensifiesPREMIUM

Research on Type II Superlattice (T2SL) FPAs is increasing rapidly as evidenced by the ten papers presented on these detectors at the April SPIE Infrared Technology & Applications Conference in Orlando. Currently, most of this work is aimed at improving performance in the LWIR, since good performance has already been demonstrated in the MWIR.

December 2006

Longwave Superlattice FPAPREMIUM

Type II Superlattice (T2SL) FPAs have made great progress over the last three years. Some are even heralding these detectors as the successor to mercury cadmium telluride.

May 2006

AIM Pushes SLs to New High Performance LevelsPREMIUM

AIM Infrarot-Module - working in conjunction with the Fraunhofer Institut, IAF, - has demonstrated a new level of performance for Type II Superlattice (T2SL) focal plane arrays operating in the mid-wave.