By Company (CTI)

November 2018

3M Scott Breaks New Ground in the Pricing of Firefighting Thermal ImagersPREMIUM

3M Scott is putting pressure on the mainstream firefighting market by introducing a thermal imaging camera (TIC) with a 320 x 240 VOx uncooled microbolometer for $2K.

September 2018

April 2018

L3 Restructures Uncooled Infrared BusinessPREMIUM

L3 Technologies is making changes to its uncooled amorphous silicon (a-SI) microbolometer business. The company’s L3 Sensor Technologies (formerly L3 Infrared Products in Garland, Texas) is moving its front-end production of FPAs to TSI Semiconductors (Roseville, California), while vacuum Wafer-Level-Packaging (WLP) is being moved to Mason, Ohio. By the end of the year, the Garland facility is expected to be shut down, with only design engineering remaining in the Dallas, Texas area.

March 2017

March 2008

Medical Infrared StrugglesPREMIUM

The application of thermal imaging to medicine has long been heralded as one of the most promising application areas. One of the most hotly pursued areas has been screening for breast cancer.

January 2007

Company BriefsPREMIUM


July 2006

Company BriefsPREMIUM


April 2006

Company BriefsPREMIUM


March 2006

Company BriefsPREMIUM